Saturday, 21 June 2014

My proudest running moment

So the subject for today's runners tell all link-up is your favourite or proudest running moment. For me there's only one answer to this one: completing my first half marathon. I've never enjoyed a run more and I've never been prouder of a running achievement. That race was the accumulation of three months of solid training and boy did it feel good when I was running it - I had such fun! And to finish it and be able to say, I've done it! You can find out about my thoughts on the race here and here!

I've collected a few medals since becoming a runner two years ago and I can safely say that the one above is the one I'm most proud of!

 Now I just need to find that willpower and love for running again as since that race it's gone missing. Any suggestions as to how I find it again?

Sunshine to the Square Inch


  1. Half marathon medals are the bomb! Finishing your first half is definitely something to be proud of. Have you re-read your post-race blog links above? I just read them, and I thought the feelings you described and the pictures you included were motivating. If you need motivation, I would start there! :)

    1. I agree - this medal is the best one yet! That's a good suggestion about reading the past posts as they do remind me why I need to stick with it. It just doesn't seem to be working right now, but I'm sure it will soon. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Congrats on your successful half marathon! Seasons of mental burnout can be tough. I like Miss Nutralicious's idea of beginning by rereading your race recaps to regain motivation. I think keeping running fun is key. Consider adding variety to your workouts, joining a local running club, or registering for a destination race. When you did love running, what did you most enjoy about it?

    1. Yes keeping it fun and not a chore is a good point, I think I need to get back in that mindset somehow. I like the idea of a running club, but I always worry I'll be far too slow, maybe I just need to throw myself into it though and not worry! Thanks for stopping by! x

  3. I'm kind of there with you on the motivation. I think the heat sucked it right out of me. That's such a great picture, though! And awesome medal. Thanks for linking up!

    1. Yes I agree the heat definitely doesn't help at all. I'm sure I'll get back into it all eventually though. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Good job on that first 1/2! I understand losing motivation. Sometimes training for a smaller race (5k) will help build back your love for running.
