Monday, 18 November 2013

Smiley Happy Things #1

Greetings little blog readers and how are you this fine Monday morning? I hope you're looking forward to the week ahead. I've got a rather exciting week coming up, starting with a friend's birthday celebrations tonight, then a night of nattering and some serious The Newsroom catch up and then on Thursday I'm off to watch The Hunger Games: Catching Fire {I'm super duper excited about that film FYI} before a weekend away with friends. So yes rather a marvellous week to come for me - what about you lovely lot, what are you up to this week? 

As it's Monday it's time again to look back over the last seven days and highlight the best bits (both big and small) from them. I love this little tradition I've created for myself as it's a nice reminder that good things will happen even if it might not seem it with a whole week ahead of you. So down to what's made me smiley and happy recently.

First up we have the simple joys of preparing for Christmas, I found the perfect Christmas paper at the weekend and then went home and got started on making my Christmas cards. It really was such fun to get the festivities started. Next up is to get organised on the presents and finalise my Christmas list!

Another thing that made my week was getting paid when I hadn't expected too, such a relief as I was so sure that my new job wouldn't pay me until next month. So hooray that payday did arrive as that makes things a hell of a lot easier what with Christmas coming up! Plus it meant I could treat myself at the weekend with a little online shopping!

Getting paid also meant that I could splurge on Friday night when I met friends for drinks and pizza. When I say pizza I don't just mean the bog standard stuff. This pizza was from Homeslice, which does the most amazing toppings and was the biggest pizza I've ever seen. Check out the picture below (nabbed from Lau's Instagram) if you don't believe me! We shared two pizzas between five of us and each one had a different topping. I think my favourite was the one that had a butternut squash puree topping rather than the usual tomato one. Simply exquisite and such a different type of pizza. 

Over the weekend I went on a bit of a baking blitz, I'm not sure why I baked so much when all I really needed to make was one thing for our work bake off today. Clearly I was in the baking mood as I rustled up a banana and walnut loaf as well as the sticky gingerbread cake for work. Both items smell divine and taste scrumptious, so I'm glad I bothered to get my baking hat on this weekend. Oh and I've just remembered I did some baking in the week too, a four-tied birthday cake for Mum, which was delicious. I may have eaten it for breakfast on both Saturday and Sunday as it was just that good! Sometimes nothing beats a home baked cake does it?

Finally in honour of my new bloglet I've decided to make Smiley Happy Things a link up - so why not join in? You can find the image above at this link, so you can add it to your post and then just comment below with your blog post link so I can have a read of your lovely posts too. Also feel free to grab the button to add to your side bar too (use the code below) - happy linking! I can't wait to see the things that have made your last week awesome. 

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" /></a><

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