Today's Travel Tuesday prompt is one of my favourites! Bonnie has asked everyone to share three places, so here goes…
the place you have been that you have
loved the most
Undoubtedly New Zealand. I was lucky
enough to spend five weeks there seven years ago (WHAT THE ACTUAL F*£k! How has
it been that long!) and I loved every minute of it.

The country is just
stunningly beautiful and everywhere you look your eyes are assaulted by an even
more amazing view. I honestly can’t even describe how breath-taking New Zealand
is (and these pictures definitely don't do it justice!). What makes it even more impressive is that the country contains every sort
of landscape possible – rolling hills, stunning mountains, dark caves,
sumptuous forests, glorious lakes, breath-taking glaciers, wonderful beaches
and unusual vistas. There’s just so much to see and do that you can’t be bored
and you can easily fill five weeks there. Plus the people are the friendliest
people I’ve ever met. Even though I’ve explored it so much already I can’t wait
to return (this time for longer) and do it all over again.

the place you cannot wait to visit
There are a lot of places on my Bucket
list – Amsterdam (which will be ticked off in less than two weeks!), Sweden, South
Africa, Dubai and Seattle to name just a few, but the one I really can’t wait
for? That would have to be Iceland. It’s the sort of place that looks and
sounds made up as it just looks so different to anything I've ever seen or
experienced. I can’t wait to go Puffin watching, visit the famous and beautiful
Geysers and visit the Blue Lagoon. Plus there are the Northern Lights there. I
would LOVE to see the Northern Lights. One day.
something about the place you live
London is one of my all-time favourite
cities and I have to pinch myself when I realise I LIVE here. How awesome is
that! I get to experience the amazing theatre productions at the NationalTheatre (three booked for the rest of the year – A Small Family Business, Medea
and Ballyturk), I get to do my weekly run along The Southbank with views like
the below, Downing Street and Trafalgar Square are on my bus route and I can be
at the glorious Royal Albert Hall and Hyde Park after just one twenty minute
bus journey. Living the dream I tell you, living the dream.

What about you - what country/city would you love to visit?