Wednesday, 21 May 2014

The story of one running picture

So here is one of my favourite pictures of me running. 

I'm sharing it today as part of the monthly runners tell all link up with Amanda and Beka. Yes I would agree it's not the best picture of me, I'm sweaty and my eyes are half closed, but I love it because you can tell I'm really enjoying myself at that one moment in time. 

This was taken at about mile 9 of my one (and only, so far) half marathon and I was amazingly having a ball. I never realised I would enjoy a half marathon as much as I did. I thought it would be horrendous for the entire run, but amazingly I'm still smiling at this point of the race. Yes I may have hated parts of the race - mile 11 I'm looking at you - but I think the fact that I didn't ask too much of myself other than ENJOY IT, really helped. Yes I would have liked to have run the entire race, but I'm not going to let that take away from what I did achieve on that day:

* I became a half marathon runner
* I completed the race in 2 hours and 23 minutes, within the 2 hours 30 minutes I was aiming for
* I didn't expire like so many others on such a hot day
* I had a blast, so much so that I've already signed up for next years race!

So what about you, which is your greatest running picture and why?


  1. Replies
    1. Clearly it's all due to the awesome running partner I had! xxx

  2. You look so happy!! And your time was great!

    1. Thanks! I was shocked at the time and at how much fun I had! Thanks for popping by.

  3. Great photo - I love seeing happy runners! Congrats on finishing your half and achieving your time goal. I think "eyes half-closed" is just a runner-photo thing and the only way to solve it is with sunglasses!

    1. Thanks fro stopping by and glad you like the picture. I think you're right sunglasses are the way forward!

  4. Love running photos! You look so happy and seriously, that is a time to be proud of!!

    1. Why thank you - I'm quite pleased with it! Here's hoping the next time's faster! Thanks for stopping by.

  5. You look way happier at mile 9 than I think I did at mile 3 of my last half! You go girl!

    1. Haha, I don't know how I enjoyed it so much. I'm sure next time won't be so fun! Thanks for popping by.

  6. what a fantastic time for your half marathon!!!

    1. Thanks, I was quite pleased (and shocked) too!

  7. How fun! I think you took a great perspective and goal into your first half! If you can enjoy your first one it makes you want to run more. Thanks for sharing your picture and story with us today!

    1. I figured by not taking it too seriously it was the only way I'd complete it, without massively stressing about it! Thanks for stopping by and for a great link up!

  8. I love that picture! It's not terrible at all. And congrats on finishing ahead of your goal. What an accomplishment. Thanks for linking up!

    1. Glad you like it, I suppose it's really not that bad especially when I remember what I'm doing at the time! Thanks for a great link up and for stopping by.
