Sunday, 4 May 2014

Five enjoyable books from April

Hi guys, how are you? I hope you're enjoying this lovely sunny bank holiday weekend? Hasn't it been glorious? So far I've had a lovely dinner at Bobbins, a day shopping and lunching with friends and the adorable little baby Bella (Bella cuddles are my new favourite) and then a day of fun in Hyde Park with family. Plus there's still a WHOLE day to go - awesome indeed! Anywho back to this post of bookiness, sorry sorry sorry for the delay - I can never seem to post this book posts in the relevant month, lord knows why that is but I do apologise! I had a good bookish month in April, helped by the long weekends and my week in the sun, let's hope it continues (although the fact that I'm only 11% through my most recent book doesn't bode well...). So let's see what wonders got me through the month of April:

This book was more than I imagined it would be when I started. I assumed it was a light easy read and instead I found myself reading about BIG topics. You know life, death and more specifically what makes a good death. Because of the unexpectedness of these big topics, it took me a while to get into this book but thankfully before long I was zooming through the pages. I found I really enjoyed the voice of Alex and the friendship he cultivates with Mr Peterson. The relationship they form and the moral dilemma they face together really had me thinking about my beliefs about this moral dilemma. And I'm glad it got me thinking in this way. This book is definitely worth a read.

I finally read book two in the astonishingly good Game of Thrones series and it was so good. I now get why everyone who reads it loves it. I would definitely agree that the books are better than the TV show as they are packed with far far more action and shenanigans. And reading the books really helped me to finally remember all the names (something I fail at with the TV show)! I obviously knew a lot about what would happen in this book as it's already happened on the show, however I was surprised about the fact that things don't run concurrently as you'd imagine from the show. So there was stuff I was reading that's only just appeared in the book - really weird if you ask me! But good for someone reading the books after seeing the show. Also I'm still not a Danearys fan. Sorry, I just find that whole side of the show super boring!

I love the Women's Murder Club series and the eleventh in the series did not disappoint - it was brilliant! This series is so easy to read and requires very little brain power, just what I need sometimes! Even though it was a super easy read the book was still a twisting and turning page turner as one would expect from a James Patterson novel. So if you love crime books, this one's for you.

Have you read Jenny Han's original series The Summer I Turned Pretty? If not you have to try it, it's such a brilliant summery read that I can't recommend enough (even if I'm still to read the final book - I just need more hours in the day!). And this new book is no different - it really is lovely. It follows the story of Lara Jean who writes secret letters to the boys she's loved. The boys in question have no idea that she had feelings for them, so when the letters get posted without Lara Jean knowing it's not the ideal scenario - as you can imagine! Jenny Han's writing really took me back to when I was a teenager and I totally felt every bit of pain, embarrassment and happiness that Lara Jean did in the story and I couldn't help but route for her. 

Hooray I've finally read the last book in Maggie's brilliant trilogy and it was excellent. My favourite wolf related trilogy by far! These books are so easy to read and the stories are not exactly as you'd imagine them so you are left guessing right to the end. In a way I enjoyed that this book focused more on Isabel and Sam than on Grace although it was good that Grace finally got to be in wolf form. It would have been a shame to get through the series without her experiencing life as a wolf!

So, what about you? What books have you been reading over the last month, any recommendations?

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