Thursday, 8 May 2014

The week when I bought all of the things

Yes so my willpower has been rubbish recently, had you guessed that from the title of this post? I don't know what's wrong with me I just can't seem to keep my credit card in my purse when it comes to pretty things. And when I say pretty things what I  really mean is clothes. And if I'm honest it's mainly all about the clothes in Gap.

I seem to have suddenly become obsessed with all of the things there and so have decided to buy it all! It helps that there have been various sales and offers on (3 for 2 on t shirts online and 30% off EVERYHING in store) over the last week - seriously why would they do this too me?! It's like they know my willpower has deserted me. It's really rather rude of them. you wanna see what I bought? Shall we have a bit of a show and tell, what do you think? Okay then you've twisted my arm, here goes!

So there we go, what do you think of my new spring/summer wardrobe? A little bit awesome, yes? I'm going to try not to buy more clothes for at least the next month, but who knows how that will go! Have you guys been up to any shopping trips recently, any awesome finds to share with me?

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