Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Adventures in Amsterdam - Travel Tuesday

Morning lovelies, how are you this fine Tuesday? Ready for the day ahead or wishing you could head back to bed with a good book and your favourite pjs? Yeah me too! Anywho as that's not an option I'm off to work (hooray for a day of books and cake, even if I'm not in my bed!) and as is the norm on a Tuesday morning I'm all over the Travel Tuesday link up. After all when you're not having the best day (or wish you could curl back into bed) it's lovely to reminisce over past adventures or plan new ones, which is what I'm doing today. Planning an upcoming trip to Amsterdam – hooray, lucky me!

My friends and I meet up regularly and as we live all over the UK and are fairly busy we like to plan our weekend gatherings quite far in advance to ensure we can all make it. This year we stuck to mainly UK based adventures, apart from a jaunt over to Dublin, but next year is a whole other story as we’re planning Portugal and Amsterdam amongst other places. And Amsterdam, the home of tulips, canals and bikes is what I want to focus on today. I've been researching it recently and I know I need to visit the following places, but where else do I simply have to visit or what needs to be experienced? 

  • Browse the beautiful flower markets
  • Visit the Anne Frank Museum
  • Traverse the bridges crossing the canals and explore all the winding streets and little squares
  • Explore the wonderful museums - the Rijksmuseum and the Van Gogh Museum are top of my list
  • Head to one of the eight remaining windmills in the city
  • Buy some clogs, some cheese and some Delft china, a cliché I know!
  • Explore the city via bike

So if you've been to this wonderful city, I'd love some suggestions on must visit places and secret wonderful eateries. Thanks!


  1. Oh I love love love Amsterdam, I was lucky enough to live there for 9 months and work in a backpackers - an amazing city, we are also planning to go next year but this time with my little man in tow as well. Dublin is also lovely :)
    Just popping over from Travel Tuesday

    Laura x

  2. I cannot wait to go to Amsterdam. My oldest was just learning about Anne Frank in school, so we would like to take him there. I really look forward to being in a place that is so bicycle friendly.

  3. Sounds like a great list! I would love to go to Amsterdam some day! :)
