Greeting friends and how are you all this wonderful Monday morning? I trust you all had good weekends? I'm still technically on my weekend as I'm still at our lovely weekend cottage in the countryside and it's tremendously relaxing and super cosy. I'm so pleased we opted to have an extra day here as it really has been a wonderfully wintry weekend, definitely one of my smiley happy things this week.
As for the other things keeping me happy this week? Well first up, I was sent some lovely books as part of the #bloggerbookswap that Rosie has organised. Alex at Odd Socks and Pretty Frocks chose three of her favourite books and sent them (along with some chocolates) to me to read and I can't wait to get started. It's great that all the books sound intriguing and that I've never read any of them before, so unusual for me! I've also been meaning to read a Georgette Heyer novel for ages and ages, so it's great to finally own one!

Next up on this week's list was giving my first Christmas presents to my lovely friends on Saturday during our cottage weekend. I really love choosing and buying presents and then wrapping them all perfectly but the very best part is when you get to watch someone opening them. Below are a couple of the gifts I gave this weekend, don't you just love the Christmas pudding tissue paper? It really is my favourite part of Christmas. Oh I can't wait to give even more presents over the coming weeks.

Talking of Christmas it was lovely to start the Christmas celebrations early with our weekend away and it most definitely does feel like Christmas is on the way. Christmas is most definitely a current smiley happy thing, and bound to be for the next few weeks! I'm really enjoying the appearance of all the Christmas stuff at the moment and I'm thoroughly in the festive mood - so much so that I made these reindeer cupcakes, super cute right?! Also when I was wandering around Covent Garden late on Monday night I saw all the gorgeous decorations in Covent Garden, which are always so wonderful. I almost feel that those giant red baubles and the topiary candy canes with red ribbon are a Christmas tradition in themselves as for me they mean that Christmas is on its way!

Another great thing from this past week was meeting up with old friends for pizza and birthday celebrations and of course the weekend in the cottage with other fabulous friends. It was such fun to have a proper catch up after ages apart, not to mention the good food. It makes me realise I need to organise these meet ups far more often, after all friends are so important!
My final Smiley Happy Thing for the week has to do with our lovely countryside cottage. In the lovely house we're staying in there's a wood burning stove which we've had lit the entire weekend and it's just lovely. There's something about a cosy fire warming the house that just makes you instantly happy and relaxed, and not to mention a little bit sleepey! Oh how I wish we had one in our London flat, that would be absolute bliss!
So what have you been up to over the last seven days that's made you happy? I'd love to hear, so why not share and link up with this post? Oh and don't forget to check out Lau's post too!
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