Saturday, 16 November 2013

Welcome to my new blogging abode!

Hello my little porcupines, and welcome to my brand new blog! What do you think, do you like the new look? I'd been wanting to improve the look of my old blog (here) for a while and it was just too tricksy to do whilst it was on WordPress, so I've moved over to Blogger and gone a little crazy with the pink and greens and created a new blog. I'm really rather proud of it, as I'm not techy at all and I'm also not great at designery things. So I'm rather happy to have worked out PicMonkey enough to have created a header image, icons etc. Yes, I know it's not quite rocket science, but it might as well be for me so I'm rather pleased with myself! 

Anywho I suppose I should also natter a bit about what will be on this here blog in the future, well probably very similar things to on my old blog as my interests haven't massively changed! So they'll be the usual (and regular) Travel Tuesday posts and Budgeting Blogger updates as well as LOTS of nattering about my adventures in/with food, London, coffee (my current favourites are the Starbucks Christmas special of a Chocolate Mocha and their Peppermint Hot Chocolate - both are absolutely delicious!), brownies and of course, as it's that time of year, there will be a lot of waffle about Christmas. [After all it is the most magical time of the year, and I may or may not be writing this whilst wearing my Christmas jumper and reindeer patterned pjs - yes I am one of those people. Sorry, no actually not sorry. I love the Christmas festivities like I love chocolate, West Wing and reading, therefore I will always make the most of Christmas time!] So there we have it, that's what you can look forward to on this little corner of the internet. I hope you'll enjoy my random wafflings and mini adventures and of course do let me know what you think by leaving a comment. You'll make my day! 

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