Friday, 25 April 2014

Things making me smile!

It's Friday - hooray! This is my favourite day of the week for some very obvious reasons like you know the end of the working week and two days of fun times ahead. To celebrate Friday I thought I'd take a moment and consider the things that I've been enjoying the most recently, you know those small things that make life pretty awesome and that sometimes you don't appreciate properly. So below are my current happy thinks, what are the things that you're currently enjoying?

Easter biscuits, when they're this pretty who can help it?

Splashing out on bits and bobs from Hobby Craft to use in the sewing projects I'm planning

Reading. I went through a period a while back where I couldn't get into any book I tried but thankfully that seems to be over and I'm devouring any and every book I choose. Thank goodness for that. This is the next book on my list - I can't wait!

Clipping recipes out of magazines and wishing I had the time (and money) to make them all!

Trip planning for my upcoming Amsterdam trip and a jaunt up to Manchester soon 

 Watching the crazy pheasants in my parents garden

Frozen. I've finally watched Frozen again and it's still as brilliant as I remember. We watched it as a family over Easter and whilst my parents were sceptical at first they were still hooting with laughter with the rest of us

Toasted hot cross buns. Oh how I wish these were year round food items!

Fresh flowers. They're just so pretty and they brighten up my day (no matter how bad it's been)

Spending time with old friends and catching up over cake - is there anything better?

My brand new neon pink notebook, surely this will make me super organised?!

Baking - this time it was peanut butter brownies, scrumptious!

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