Monday, 7 April 2014

Just five sleeps to go, let the countdown begin!

Guys I'm so excited as guess what, on Saturday I'll be celebrating my birthday, hooray! I love my birthday and even if I'm about to be 29 (argh how did that happen?!) I know I'll still act like a four year on the actual day as it's just so EXCITING!!

As the birthday countdown has now officially begun I thought I'd share with you some of the things I hope to get for my birthday. To be honest I'm not hugely fussed on the presents as I'll be celebrating in the sun with my family and I'm pretty sure there will be cake and a cocktail or two, so not a bad way to celebrate! But you know a birthday list is never a bad thing, right?!

So there we go that's a little selection of things that I'd quite like. I fear this list ages me as it includes a pair of moccasins and a sewing machine, but I really don't care. The sewing machine has been on my wishlist for ages and a purple one is just sensible. Also those shoes are so pretty and ideal in loads of situations. I've just created a new picture wall in my room (more on that soon) so more pictures are essential. As for the lilac bag, I have the green version and I use it all the time and get so many lovely comments so I'd love another version so I can share the love. There's nothing worse that using a bag to death and then wishing you had the same one to replace the dead one. And the dress, well it's needed as it's just so pretty of course! I've also included a few Disney DVDs and some books on my list as that's just me. I can't seem to make a wishlist without one or tow of those popping on the list! 

I wonder what I'll get on the day itself, I can't wait to find out! Only five sleeps, eek! 

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