Tuesday 11 February 2014

A weekend in the Peak District (part one)

Happy Tuesday everyone and welcome to another installment of the Travel Tuesday link up with Bonnie and Co. I hope your bags are packed and ready to head off on another adventure? Today we're off for to the wonderful Peak District to relive my recent trip up there with my sisters at the end of January. The three of us decided on a four day weekend adventure to celebrate the end of youngest sisterling's (Bex) university exams. None of us have spent a lot of time in the Peak District and it's not far from where Bex is at university, so we thought it was the perfect time to explore this wonderful part of the UK. so without further ado, here's what we got up to...

We started with a bit of food and a shop in Sheffield on Friday as it's what sisters have to do when they meet up after a couple of months - it's basically the law! Wagamama's, Starbucks and Primark were in order and they were delicious, warming and lacking in purchases respectively! Once we had some sustenance in us we headed to the spa town of Buxton. It was not the nicest car journey mainly due to the fact it was absolutely torrential rain and high winds. Not ideal when one is driving up steep hills and along windy roads.

Thankfully we arrived safely and still in the light and were won over by gorgeous Buxton and our even more wonderful flat for the next three nights. The flat consisted of the most gorgeous kitchen and bathroom, a snuggley living room and two gorgeous bedrooms. The decor was stunning and I loved this little spot in the master bedroom - if I could have gotten away with stealing the chair I would have snuck it back to London!

On our first night there we did the food shop, played multiple board games and nattered constantly. It was complete and utter bliss!

The weather on the Saturday was absolutely dismal (torrential rain, high winds and snow!) so we didn't want to stray too far from the flat, so instead we donned our wellies and strode into Buxton (5 minutes walk) to explore. We discovered the beautiful Cavendish Arcade, which is full of beautiful boutiques and is where the original springs (that makes Buxton famous) were situated. What makes the Cavendish Arcade so beautiful is that a lot of those elements still exist - the beautiful blue titles, the glorious vaulted ceiling of blue and green glass and one of the original chairs for lowering people into the baths. It really is rather wonderful!

After rummaging in numerous charity shops we stopped off for coffee and cake before heading back to the flat, via the famous Buxton Dome. The Dome is a stunning building and the name refers to the magnificent domed ceiling in the University of Derby building - the Dome itself is the largest unsupported Dome in all of Europe! Sadly I only managed to get one rubbish picture of the Dome as there was a university open day going on but it was a truly stunning site!

After a day of exploration we spent yet another evening eating, chatting and game playing - plus the addition of a couple of films. I finally watched Despicable Me 2 and, of course, I adored it. The minions were even more irresistible this time round!

Right I think that's where I'll leave you for today, as otherwise this post will be LONG! Check back next week to find out what we got up to on our final two days in the Peak District, including the wonderful village of Castleton and the most scrumptious brunch!

Travel Tuesday


  1. I'll have to show these pics to my bf, his sister always goes on about how much she loves Buxton (as she used to live really near there) but we still haven't been. I didn't realise there was quite so much there, but she always raves about the shops.

    1. You should definitely go it really is so beautiful and there's loads to do! The place we stayed was brilliant as well. The shops are good although there aren't many of them, but they are worth a visit.

  2. Can't wait to see more of the Peak District! It already looks amazing in the first pictures! :) I'm an only child, but I certainly wish I had siblings for fun activities like this! ;)

    1. Yes it's one of the joys of sisters, the fun road trips! I'm glad you liked the first half of the trip, the second part's all ready to go so I hope you enjoy that one too. It really is such a beautiful part of the world!

  3. I love that you visited it in the rain. So beautiful. Also I love bananagrams.

    1. Yes the rain did make it even more beautiful - I agree. As for Bananagrams it's the most addictive game ever!
