Hello and happy Wednesday! I hope life's treating you well and that the week is an awesome one! I just thought I'd stop by for part two of last week's life update. Things have been busy and great round here and right now I'm...
Listening to
The soundtrack for The Prince of Egypt, the latest Rebecca Ferguson album, Taylor Swift (Always Taylor) and the new Ed Sheeran and Wakey Wakey albums.
An upcoming trip to Chester, I'm off up there next Friday for a long weekend and wedding celebrations. Having never been to the city before I'm open for suggestions - what's a must see or do (apart from the shopping obviously!)?
Cuddles with babies, hanging out with both sisterlings as the littlest is up doing work experience in London, exploring the wonders of south London
As part of my attempt to be healthier it's been all about the overnight oats or fruit and yogurt for breakfast and protein and salad for lunch right now. I've been loving it and have yet to be bored by (the addition of roasted veg to every salad really helps)! Also I discovered moussaka the other day. OMG that's one hell of an amazing dish, why has no one introduced it to me before! Also Leon, I love your food.
All those people currently on holiday. Hurry up September!
Has anyone else been sat on the sofa recently sobbing over Long Lost Family? That show kills me every time and yet I can't help but watch it as it's just so heartwarming and lovely. The people on there are so wonderful and have such heartbreaking stories and I find it impossible not to go all warm and fluffy when watching it. You must watch it, you won't be disappointed (don't forget the tissues thought!).
All of the amazing things. Like this dress and this bag and these shoes (I mean OMG poka dot brogues, amazing right?!). I want.
Dreaming about
A holiday, roll on September 19th I need sun and space and peace and cocktails and a rest and the beach. Pretty please move faster.
Nak'd bars and nak'd bites. I can't seem to get enough of these right now. They are so good. My current favourites are the cocoa mint and the cocoa orange - so good and amazing that I don't have any guilt after eating one. Excellent!
Complaining about
The heat. I'm rubbish in the heat, what's the point of it when I'm in an air conditioned office all day and then have to struggle with the tube. Eurgh winter hurry up. Oh and estate agents. I really dislike estate agents right now.
Putting off
So much life admin stuff. I really must get on that soon. I just need to finish my book first...
So what about you, what have you been up to?
Those shoes.