Sunday, 15 December 2013

A last minute list of Christmas loveliness.

Greetings friends and how are you? Enjoying the weekend I hope? Today is my one and only Christmas list (can you believe I've not shared one with you yet, how did that not happen yet?!). Anywho down to the reason why I'm bringing you this list... The other night my Mum rang to say she needed more Christmas ideas for me. Honestly, how she can need more ideas I don't know as I must have sent a list about 50 items long, plus I sent it in early November so she's had plenty of time to ask for another one since then! I can only assume everything I want is now out of stock or else my Christmas morning is going to be a smidge like Richie Rich's (didn't you use to love that film - it's a total gem if you ask me)! Anyway never one to say no when more ideas are needed I've come up for the below list. An eclectic mix yes, but not bad for a last minute request right? Fingers crossed she finds that useful! Oh I can barely wait for Christmas day!

DVDs: 101 Dalmations, Peter Pan, Monsters University and Sleeping Beauty

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