Monday, 2 December 2013

Smiley Happy Things #3

Greetings lovely peeps, how are you today? Can you believe it's December already, craziness right? But super exciting too, so let's ignore the fact that the year has basically just flown by and focus on the fact that Christmas is almost here, yippee! I hope you're excited about Christmas time too, it can't just be me can it? Anyway back to today's Smiley Happy Things post and all my favourite things from the past week. What about you? Don't forget to share your smiley happy things with Lau and I as we'd love to hear all about them!

First up on this week's list is the fact that I saw Catching Fire for the second time and it was just as good as I remembered. I honestly don't think they put a foot wrong when making that film and ridiculously it was more stressful to watch when I knew what would happen. How weird is that?

On Saturday I met up with my cousin and her boyfriend for chattering, cocktails and good food which was so lovely. It had been far far too long since we'd had a good old gossip and I ate enough pizza to feed a family of five blissful! The cocktail bar we went to had scrumptious cocktails and the best light fixtures ever. FACT. Check them out below, amazing right? I want them in my house!

Have you ever had the porridge from Bills? I had it for the first time yesterday and it was sublime. It was just the right thickness and the banana and hazelnut topping was delicious, I wish I could have it every single day of my life but sadly it's not transportable on the tube!

My Sunday plans were pretty special, not just thanks to a trip to Bills but also because of Christmas frivolities! I put up the tree, lit the advent candle, watched a Muppet's Christmas Carol, wrapped trillions of presents and got crafting my cards. I now feel ridiculously festive (and like I can breathe again now I've at least started on the cards *breathes a sigh of relief*).

One of my favourite things ever is getting lost in a good book and that's what happened this week. I got so into my copy of April Lady that I had to ensconce myself in a Starbucks over my lunch break so I could find out what happened. It really was such a good book, the characters were great and it was really well written. I loved that book so much.

I know it's December but it still feels quite autumnal doesn't it? So that's my last smiley happy thing of the week: the autumnal leaves on my walk to work. I just love the noise they make as you stomp among them - just lovely. I hope you had a good last week and enjoy the week ahead - have fun! 

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